
Sohbet given by Sheykh Abdul Kerim el-Hakkani el-Kibrisi
on the occasion of the Hair of the Beard of Prophet, aleyhi as-salatu ve selam,
coming to the Osmanli Naksibendi Hakkani Dergah

Saturday 26 Ramazan, 1426 / October 29, 2005
Osmanli Naks-i’bendi Hakkani Dergah, Siddiki Center, New York.

Medet Ya Syyidi Ya Sultanul Awliya, Medet.

The first thing that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) created was the light
of the Holy Prophet (salatu wa salam). He created all other things
from his light, his noor. He created another human from every drop
of sweat that he had. Whatever we do and however we praise the Holy
Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam) is not enough and it is always
accepted very highly in the Divine Presence. A man may pray twenty-
four hours but if he is not showing proper respect to Holy Prophet
(alayhi salatu wa salam), then anything that he did may not be
accepted. It may come to zero. But if a person is doing things with
the love of the Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam), then it is accepted instantly
in the Divine Presence.

Holy Prophet (sws) is saying to us, “When you come to visit me in my
gravesite and when you give salawat to me, I will hear you, I will
see you and I will know you. If you are far away, at a far distance,
and you give salawat to me, then there is an angel sitting in the
grave with me that has as many mouths as the humans have. Anyone who
gives salawat, that angel gives me answer from that mouth.” It says
to the Holy Prophet (sws), “Ya Rasulullah, now, from this children
of Adam, from this generation, from the children of this, this and
this (counting the lineage), has sent salawat to you.” And the Holy
Prophet (sws) does not leave it without any answer and he orders one
salawat or maybe more (as many as you have recited) to be given to
you, to be put in your treasury box. When those salawats where the
Holy Prophet (sws) is greeting you back reach to a certain amount,
then you will get the prayer of the Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa
salam). If you have the prayer of the Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa
salam), then neither in Dunya nor in Akhirat will you have any
troubles after that. You will be trouble-free and your heart will
always be connected with them.

What about just one salawat given from the mouth with which man
commits sins twenty-four hours not knowing anything? What about if
something is left from the Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam) and
showing proper respect to that? Of course, there are angels sitting
and watching our behavior and watching our hearts. Some people’s
behavior is okay, but inside their hearts they say, “Why are they
making such a big deal?” It is just for us to know because Sheytan
may come. Throw him away. Throw the Sheytan away. Whatever respect
we do, if we stand up twenty-four hours in the presence of the
belongings of the Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam), we are not
doing wrong. But the 21st century man is so weak that he cannot
stand up for fifteen minutes.

In this little box here, there is some dust that was taken from the
Holy Prophet’s (sws) gravesite. In the old days they were cleaning
and they were collecting that dust. I am getting the smell from
here. The smell is coming from that dust. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil
Alameen. That dust was being collected and kept, and the kings, the
Sultans had those things. It reached to his hands (Sheykh indicating
the murid who brought the holy relics to the dergah) through his
grandfathers from one of the Mughal sultans. Isn’t it? It passed
through them and it was given to his great-grandfather. It was in
their hand, their property and they gave it to one of his
grandfathers. He was a holy man.

And it has been passing, circling around the world, coming to
America. It went to India. From India it came to America. It’s the
belonging of the Prophet (sws) and the dust from the Prophet’s
(alayhi salatu wa salam) tomb site. In the old days, when people
were going and cleaning, they were taking all that dust very
carefully. And the Sultans were going where they keep the Prophet’s
(sws) belongings in the Topkapi Palace. They were going every
morning where the Prophet’s (sws) belongings were and dusting that
room. They were taking all that dust, putting it in a very special
bowl and keeping it there. When the Sultans passed away, they put
them laying next to that dust and that’s where they were praying the
Janaza prayer for them.

Those are the people who ruled the world. In the Divine Presence
they are high and in the world they are high. And they showed proper
respect to the belongings of the Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam).
What we have in our hands is coming directly from inside the
Prophet’s (sws) tomb, from the rawza. Before it was open. People
were having access. So alhamdulillah, Allah (subhana wa ta’ala)
blessed us with this. These things have been passing through who
knows how many holy people and how many holy places. It ended up
coming here to this mountaintop that is nowhere. If you arrange it
and if you have millions of dollars you cannot do it.

There was a prince who came from Dubai to Istanbul and they were
planning to make over five billion dollars of investment in
Istanbul. I think he asked to have one of the hairs of the Prophet
(alayhi salatu wa salam) to be sent to Dubai in order to have some
celebration in the month of Ramazan. The whole Turkey turned upside
down because of that. It’s not because they show so much respect
too. They moved one of the hairs from the Topkapi Palace and they
brought it to the airport. The minister was there and the minister
said to them that he wanted to check something. So all those evilish
ones said that the minister brought the Prophet’s (sws) beard to his
feet. Even the Sultans didn’t do that but these evils ones are doing
that. So they made a big mess in Turkey just because of that hair.
Now they are saying that they were trying to steal it and to bring
it to Dubai.

Anyway, whatever it is and whatever they were doing is a different
story. What we are trying to say is that we didn’t make any planning
with the government, nor did we say that we have five billion
dollars which we are going to invest here and there. No. It circled
around and came here alhamdulillah. Very high level governments were
turning upside down because of that hair and Allah brought it here
to us alhamdulillah. How much thankful we have to be for that?

So as much respect we are showing and we will show to the belongings
of the Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam), to the Prophet (sws)
and to the other Awliya Allah, that is what we are winning.
Otherwise, the prayers and everything that we are doing is very
crooked and it may not be counted. But if we have sincerity, a
sincere heart and if we do things sincerely then inshaAllah ar-
Rahman with the love of the Holy Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam) it
will be counted. And as I said, now we are going to concentrate on
making more zikir all the time, everyone, more Kalima-e Tawhid and
more Salawat to the Prophet (alayhi salatu wa salam). And inshaAllah
in every forty days we will present specially to the Prophet (alayhi
salatu wa salam) with a mawlid. That night we will make a mawlid to
present all the collections that we are making inshaAllah. As for
this (hair of the Prophet sws) coming here, it is a big blessing
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.

Wa min Allahu taufiq

Bihurmatil Habib

Bihurmatil Fatiha.